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Episode 66: The 58th Annual Academy Awards (1986) (/w Ryan Prows)

From the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles, California it’s the 58TH ANNUAL ACADEMY AWARDS!  It’s the night THE STARS COME OUT TO SHINE, and one of those stars is ERIC ROBERTS, nominated for Best Supporting Actor for RUNAWAY TRAIN! Joining us to discuss the entire broadcast is Ryan Prows, the director of 2017’s incredible darkly comic crime comedy LOWLIFE! We discuss HUEY LEWIS (and the POWER OF LOVE!), Teri Garr, RACISM, Quentin Tarantino, MUPPETS, an awkward Paul Newman, a catatonic Jack Nicholson, and SO MUCH MORE. What a time to be alive! As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE
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Episode 65: A Husband for Christmas (2016) (/w Paul Freitag-Fey)

HO HO HO! What better way to close off 2017 than a return to the filmography of ERITFM’s favorite director David DeCoteau? This time we get Vivica A Fox being forced by her creepy boss (ERIC ROBERTS!) to marry Ricco Ross so he can move to the United States in 2016’s A HUSBAND FOR CHRISTMAS. Will the couple eventually fall in love on Christmas Day? GUESS YOU’LL JUST HAVE TO LISTEN AND SEE! We’re joined by Daily Grindhouse’s Paul Freitag-Fey tell us all about director’s cuts, streaming video sites, Jackée, and MUCH MORE! HAPPY  HOLIDAYS FROM ERITFM! As always, check out ERIC
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Episode 64: Christmas Rush (2002) (/w Scott Weinberg)

DIE HARD.. in a MALL? In WINNIPEG? It happened! In 2002's CHRISTMAS RUSH (aka BREAKAWAY) Dean Cain is no John McClane, but he does his best as he takes on a gang of criminals, including Eric Roberts who is trying to make a big score to pay for his son's bone marrow transplant. No, I'm serious. Scott Weinberg (from the 80s All Over podcast) joins us to chat cats, Die Hard rip-offs, Michael Flatley, and all things ERIC ROBERTS. OHHHHHHH WHAT A RUSH!
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Episode 63: Eric Roberts Interview Mop-Up

You wanted the best, you got the best! After returning from their triumphant interview with ERIC ROBERTS at the CINEPOCALYPSE event in Chicago, Liam and Doug return to do a victory lap episode where they describe how the interview went down, all the behind the scenes dirt and discuss their incredibly improbable lunch with Eric Roberts along with legendary director Larry Cohen! They pull back the curtains to show their fears, anxieties and – eventually – the triumphs. It’s self-indulgent, but it’s FREE! TIME TO LISTEN! As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN on Twitter, or come chat
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Episode 62: Live at the Cinepocalypse Film Festival with Eric Roberts!

IT HAPPENED! The stars aligned, bringing Doug and Liam face-to-face with the man himself ERIC ROBERTS, LIVE in front of an exuberant crowd at the CINEPOCALYPSE Film Festival in Chicago, Illinois. Want the dirt on DOCTOR WHO? It's here! Need to know if the lines for A TALKING CAT!?! were really recorded in a bathroom? We've got the answer. Want to hear about STALKED BY MY DOCTOR? THE POPE OF GREENWICH VILLAGE? The MR. BRIGHTSIDE music video? WE ASK HIM EVERYTHING! And listen to the very end to hear if Eric relieves our two hosts from their blood oath to cover his life and career! STOP READING AND START LISTENING! 
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Episode 60: The King of Queens S03E14 & Rough Air: Danger on Flight 534 (2001) (/w Nick Spacek)

IT’S THE PODCAST THE *MAN* DOESN’T WANT YOU TO HEAR! It’s a brand spanking new episode of Eric Roberts is the CENSORED Man, and this time.. it’s personal! We’ve got writer and podcaster Nick Spacek joining us on the ERIC ROBERTS EXPRESS and chatting about an episode of THE KING OF QUEENS. Seriously! And then we prepare for turbulence with a little ROUGH AIR: DANGER ON FLIGHT 534 which is OH SO CANADIAN! Why not listen RIGHT NOW? As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN on Twitter, or come chat ER (or anything else) on our Facebook group. Don’t
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Episode 59: Lansky (1999) (/w Daeron Wilson)

A wise guy, eh? We're classing up the joint on episode 59 of ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN. Not only do we have special guest Daeron Wilson (from the Psychosemantic podcast) bringing his trademark mix of wit, punk and politics, but we've got a movie written by David Mamet! Before he went crazy! Not only that, but this made-for-HBO flick was directed by HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER'S John McNaughton and stars Richard Dreyfuss! Sure it's boring, but WHAT A PEDIGREE! Oh, and did we mention that it features Eric Roberts walking away with the whole movie as Bugsy Siegel? Well, now I have! TURN IT UP.
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Episode 58: The L Word Season 3, Episode 12 & Wrong Number (2002) (/w Brendan Foley)

On this SURPRISINGLY LATE episode of Eric Roberts is the Man, we welcome writer and podcaster Brendan Foley to JOIN US in celebrating two more Eric Roberts CLASSICS! First we look at a Season 3 episode of THE L WORD with absolutely no context, and you can hear us struggle to understand the seemingly dozens of plotlines and characters, including Pam Grier getting pregnant! APPARENTLY! Also, Eric Roberts is there. Then we look at the 2002 thriller WRONG NUMBER where ER is murdered again and again, RASHOMON-style, and then the whole thing ends in one of the most ridiculous TWISTS
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Episode 57: Sector 4: Extraction (2014) & The Wrong Roommate (2016) (/w Richard Pierce)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THIS IS IT! We have the WORLD'S BIGGEST ANNOUNCEMENT on this episode of Eric Roberts IS the Man, and you better hold onto your socks because it's going to BLOW THEM OFF! Not only that, but we're joined by screenwriter Richard Pierce to discuss the movie HE wrote SECTOR 4: EXTRACTION, starring and directed by the legendary Olivier Gruner!! Not enough for you? YOU DRIVE A HARD BARGAIN. Then Richard chats with us about the David DeCoteau Lifetime network film THE WRONG ROOMMATE, featuring Vivica A. Fox, Dominique Swain and ERIC ROBERTS. IT'S THE BIGGEST ERITFM EPISODE EVER!!!!!
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