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On this SURPRISINGLY LATE episode of Eric Roberts is the Man, we welcome writer and podcaster Brendan Foley to JOIN US in celebrating two more Eric Roberts CLASSICS! First we look at a Season 3 episode of THE L WORD with absolutely no context, and you can hear us struggle to understand the seemingly dozens of plotlines and characters, including Pam Grier getting pregnant! APPARENTLY! Also, Eric Roberts is there. Then we look at the 2002 thriller WRONG NUMBER where ER is murdered again and again, RASHOMON-style, and then the whole thing ends in one of the most ridiculous TWISTS in the history of cinema! TIME TO LISTEN.
As always, check out ERIC ROBERTS IS THE MAN on Twitter, or come chat ER (or anything else) on our Facebook group. Don’t forget to head over to iTunes to subscribe and rate the show. If you like it.. tell a friend! Our theme song is (unofficially) officially endorsed by ERIC ROBERTS!
Our guest this episode is the terrific Brendan Foley! Check out his podcast BLACK SUN DISPATCHES on Cinepunx.com right here. You can also find Brendan’s writing at cinapse.co, and follow him on Twitter @TheTrueBrendanF
Music on this episode:
Break #1 – “Come To My Windows” by Melissa Ethridge
Break #2 – “867-5309/Jenny” by Tommy Tutone
Break #3 – “Death is the Road to Awe” by Clint Mansell